NePhi: Neural Deformation Fields for Medical Image Registration

Lin Tian1, Hastings Greer1, Raul San Jose Estepar2, Roni Sengupta1, Marc Niethammer1
1UNC at Chapel Hill, 2Harvard Medical School
ECCV, 2024

NePhi shows better deformation regularity and memory consumption compared to other methods.


This work proposes NePhi, a generalizable neural deformation model which results in approximately diffeomorphic transformations. In contrast to the predominant voxel-based transformation fields used in learning-based registration approaches, NePhi represents deformations functionally, leading to great flexibility within the design space of memory consumption during training and inference, inference time, registration accuracy, as well as transformation regularity. Specifically, NePhi 1) requires less memory compared to voxel-based learning approaches, 2) improves inference speed by predicting latent codes, compared to current existing neural deformation based registration approaches that only rely on optimization, 3) improves accuracy via instance optimization, and 4) shows excellent deformation regularity which is highly desirable for medical image registration. We demonstrate the performance of NePhi on a 2D synthetic dataset as well as for real 3D medical image datasets (e.g., lungs and brains). Our results show that NePhi can match the accuracy of voxel-based representations in a single-resolution registration setting. For multi-resolution registration, our method matches the accuracy of current SOTA learning-based registration approaches with instance optimization while reducing memory requirements by a factor of five.

The NePhi framework.


The registration result of DirLab COPDGene case 1 using NePhi multi-resolution w/o IO.

Comparison of peak memory consumption between voxel-representated deformations and NePhi during training and instance optimization (test-time optimization) for one pair of 3D images.

Interpolation of two latent codes predicted by NePhi that are trained on T&C hollow dataset.